So … Mr./Ms. Leader, How do you Measure Yourself?
There are tons of leadership (and management) inventories and assessments.
I prefer to use questions that reflect the everyday work life.
Your Reputation:
- Do people smile when you enter the room? Or smile when you leave the room?
- What five adjectives would you use to describe your leadership style?
- What three adjectives would people use to describe your leadership style?
- Do high performers want to join your team?
- Do you collaborate well with others … or are you “Mr./Ms. Silo”?

How You Lead:
- Have you chosen a great team?
- How well have you prepared them for success? (PBI has a “Performance Equation”)
- How well do you delegate? Is it a full task or only the mundane?
- Do you really let them do their job … or is there a lot of “Mother May I?” ?
- Have you developed/prepared employees to leave for more responsibility? Do you let them go?
- How well are you developing your own leadership skill set?
Your Effectiveness:
- Do you get “compliance” or earn “commitment”? Are they giving their “discretionary effort”?
- Are you addressing both the “task” and the “people” side of the work?
- Do you enhance communication, collaboration, unity, and trust?
- Do your people feel valued?
- How well does work get done when you are not around?
- What is your team’s reputation?
Let me know how you did.
As well, if you know a leader that needs a dose of “best practices”,
I can help those that are willing to be helped.