Building AND Sustaining High Performance Teams
Teams are everywhere. Some are outstanding, some average, and some suck.
What is a team? By definition, teams are comprised of people with INTERDEPENDENT roles or tasks. That means that different people are doing different tasks. As well, person A will be doing or producing something that’s important to person B or C.
Bosses often think it will increase commitment and productivity just by calling the group “Team X/Y/Z”. That can bring the absolute opposite result if the needed structures and processes are not put in place.
A good example of a team is a basketball team. There are 5 players – each with a different role and often that role is defined by their skill set (and height). The pictures below illustrate two teams in action. In fact, these are both High Performance Teams producing great and consistent results.

What makes a High Performance Team?
- It has clearly defined its’ mission and outcomes
- It has selected and prepared the right team members who believe in those
- It has clearly defined its’ desired culture and processes
- It defines and uses team measures … and then … team rewards (we have examples)
- It implements and sustains change well
- It delivers Customer Delight (a superb outcome AND a great experience)
How did you score? Does your team look more like the pictures above or the graphic below. Think about teams you have been in or observed (work, sports, music, etc.). How do they score? What can your team borrow and implement from them?
Action Item: Call us if you need help on improving your team’s commitment and productivity.
Note:You must be willing to do the work to make it better !!