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Finally, a Formula to Improve Employee and Team Performance

Why do we look forward to the weekends so much?  Does work HAVE TO BE this way?

Many workplaces have high performance … and they can be a joy to work in if you enjoy what you do.

For others, it can be “Sunday nights suck” and  “How did I ever get here?”

Much of this grief is caused by poor performance – of executives, leaders, managers, supervisors,                              front-line workers, and your peers (at whatever level).

I use the “Performance Equation” below to diagnose and prevent performance problems.

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Celebrations. What do YOU and YOUR ORGANIZATION celebrate?

It’s December … and the holiday season … for many kinds of faiths. I was humbled by the reaction and feedback to last month’s gratefulness article.  Thank you.

Celebrations and gratefulness are pretty intertwined.  In my mind, celebrations are an expression of gratefulness.  I think of celebrations from both an individual and organizational perspective. December is a good time to “take stock”. 

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September 6th is Labor Day. But…is it really?

Labor Day was originally created (in 1894) to celebrate the achievements of American workers and their contributions to the economy.  But now, most of us have lost sight of that intent and regard it as the end of summer, outdoor pools closing (here in the Washington DC area), picnics, some parades, and the eager anticipation of football coming back. 

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