Where would you be now without Coaching?
- WHO are you?
- HOW did you get to this point?
- WHO helped you?
In recent years, coaching has been more appreciated and valued in the business world. Various situations prompt the need for and benefits from coaching.
- Identifying your passion(s), gifts, and career choice
- Transitioning to a new field or industry
- Being seen as an emerging leader (by themselves or the organization)
- Preparing for and starting a new position (or a promotion)
- Improving leadership relationships, presence, and performance
Coaching is truly an investment with (in most cases) tangible results.
Consider these questions when selecting a coach:
- Can the coach relate to your situation (background; had a similar experience)?
- Has the coach had at least one major transition in their life?
- Has the coach had a major failure in their life? (if so, they can be more “real”)
- Does the coach seem to have good life balance/integration?
- How is the initial chemistry with the coach?
- What do the coaches’ references tell you?
- What is the coaching process they will use?
Confidentiality is a supremely important part of coaching – for all parties. The coach should be able to explain their approach in simple terms and have you feel comfortable with it.
Coaches often have two masters – the coachee and the organization paying the bill. Therefore, we have responsibilities to both. The boundaries of our confidentiality to the sponsoring organization are:
- Describing the level of engagement of the coachee
- At a high level, describing the activities of the coaching work
- Describing the progress or results of the coaching
We only provide trend information. Any sponsoring organization requests for information beyond that will result in my crafting a thoughtful response, sharing it with the coachee, and asking for permission to share that or making appropriate adjustments.
Coaching can provide life-changing decisions and progress. I’ve coached over 2,000 people in my career. Several are friends that I still stay in touch with (or meet) 10 years later.
Where are you on life’s journey? What could I help you with professionally and/or personally?